CONTROVERSY!!: DMX Talks About Drake

DMX took time out to head over to the MTV studios, to chat with Sway on RapFix Live earlier this week and he had plenty to say.

Being the kind of man to tell it how it is, DMX spoke about the new rappers that are joining the circuit and making a name for themselves these days.

He also commented on Drake, who he has never really been a huge fan of anyway:

“He has talent, but it’s kinda redundant, it’s kinda the same all the time to me personally. It’s an annoying sound,”


He then went on to talk about the recent news of Drake working on a new Aaliyah album and not involving the likes of  Timbaland and Missy Elliott:

““I’m kinda feelin’ some kinda a way about the fact that you been commissioned, that you been blessed, you’ve been given the opportunity to do the Aaliyah album yet you don’t include anybody that she worked with personally. I’ma tell you why I’m mad, son. How do you disregard what this woman did? What this beautiful angel did and say, ‘Oh OK, I’m gonna take it for myself because I’m hot right now and I’m feelin’ myself,’. How do you just go there with it? Your balls ain’t that big, son.”

DMX does not mince his words AT ALL!!! Says it how it is and if you don’t like it..TOUGH! Obvious something close to him having worked with Aaliyah on the great film “Romeo Must Die”. Check out the interview below:

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